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11.10.00 - 1:43:53

this election stuff is just craziness, i tell you. craziness. cokie brought up a good point on letterman tonight. about how if they do a revote or something similar in florida, they'll start talking about iowa and new mexico and all the other states that were crazy close. the people of this country really should be able to vote for their own president. the electoral college is such an ancient relic. yeah, if we didn't have the electoral college, no one would spend any time in ohio or idaho. who cares? they're not all that important. and it's not like they wouldn't get a chance to vote. just less local campaigning. hell, i wouldn't mind less local campaigning. i guess you'd have to balance that with way more tv ads, but what's the big deal? you CAN turn off your television.


our last hotline training tonight. yay. i'm glad that's over with. i was going to stop at the grocery store to buy 1) pickles 2) black olives 3) some green giant canned sweet corn 4) tangerines and 5) dishwasher detergent, but then it was cold. like, really cold. so i came home. and made some roasted potatoes. they were pretty good, as far as potatoes go.

it'll probably be cold tomorrow, too. maybe i'll just give myself a well-deserved holiday. it's only two hours of class. and i have far more than two hours of reading. i guess i'll make a gametime decision.

i just accidentally scratched my neck and it hurt. and now it sorta stings. i don't really understand how my fingernails can actually scratch anything. they're so short. it must be one of those freaky magical things. or something.

can't hardly wait. that movie's great. have you ever seen anything that's so rife with stereotypes? it's masterful. angie and angie laughed at me the last time i used the word rife. what do they know, though? angie laughed when i used the word cahoots, too. and that's a damn fine word, if i do say so myself.

we talked a lot about ruses today in postmodern. a LOT. it was funny, seeing how that's blake's new favorite word and he uses it all the time. that and diablery. which i think is a pretty good word, incidentally. but yeah, ruse. there was a lot of rusing in the lyotard. i guess that's what happens when you're trying to discuss language games. there's lots of rusing going on within these games.

i am tired, but untired and i'm wearing angora and it's itchy. i think maybe i'll just go to bed and if i wake up in time for class, it'll be like fate telling me i should go. and if not, well, so be it. it's out of my hands. i should let fate make more decisions for me. seems like it would be less stressful.

listening to alphaville. doesn't ring a bell? forever young. one of those one-hit wonders that perfectly characterized the 80s. speaking of, i hope everyone in the greater houston area has discovered 106.9 (all 80s, all the time) by now. this afternoon, however, my fantasy was shattered when i heard a commercial on said station. i hadn't heard one in the two or three weeks i'd been listening. i think they were doing some sort of new-station-no-commercials thing for a while. but that's all over now, apparently. i guess i can still pine for the good old days, though.

so that vic lit excluding fiction class is indeed victorian poetry. why didn't they call it victorian poetry? it's perplexing. the prof signed his email to me 'dr. bob.' i just think that's the cutest thing ever. like, i would maybe consider taking his class based only on the fact that he signed his name 'dr. bob.' lyn's dad is a dr. bob. he's a pretty cool guy. angie's grandpa was a radiologist and he fixed up hotrods for a hobby. except then he died. and now her grandma has all these classic cars that need to be restored. angie and i were talking about taking up classic car restoration as a hobby. though i think we'll probably wait on that a while. we'll probably get pretty fish sometime really soon, though. we're pumped.

everyone should learn about the school of the americas. the big protest is coming up the weekend of the 17th. if you don't have a clue what i'm talking about, go here.

"The US Army School of Americas, based in Fort Benning, Georgia, trains Latin American soldiers in combat, counter-insurgency, and counter-narcotics. Graduates of the SOA have been responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America. Among the SOA's nearly 60,000 graduates are notorious dictators Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos of Panama, Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru, Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador, and Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia. Lower-level SOA graduates have participated in human rights abuses that include the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the El Mozote Massacre of 900 civilians."

(taken from the school of americas watch website)

you might also want to go here or here for a different perspective on the matter.

and i might want to go to bed now.

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