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11.19.00 - 10:39:31

i'm listening to 'leaving on a jet plane'. i don't know if there's any other song with sweeter associations attached to it. i have about five different versions of it. i'm partial to the peter, paul, and mary version.

i have had the worst headache all day long. from sunup to sundown. and continuing into darkness. i have had a lot of tylenol. i passed out on the floor where i was studying spanish because it hurt so much. right now it's hurting less. i don't know what the deal is, but this should never happen again. ever.

i curse a lot less ever since i got to college. sometimes i wonder why, because it seems like there's far more things that i want to curse about. i guess it's all about anger management. or something.

i'm going to san francisco para visitar mi hermano over thanksgiving. my brother is cool. we like my brother. even though he has been uber-busy lately. but i'm going for five days and it will be restful and renewing and refreshing and plenty of other r's, i'm sure. san francisco is such a lovely city. oh, and this one time, we went to this place that had the cutest appetizers ever. they were these little pastry cones filled with lobster, mango, and avocado cubes. and they came served in this little holder, so it was like someone presenting you with four or five of the most adorable ice cream cones. and they were yummy. though i think my lobster at most nice restaurants is grilled snapper with crab meat. i loooooove that stuff. when cloudman's parents took us out to cafe annie, do you know what the special was? grilled snapper with crab meat. and it was fabulous.

i'm glad i decided to like seafood.

the other day, i tried some soup in an effort to get to like it. i bought soup that was mostly pasta, so it was sorta like pasta with extra sauce. not too bad. i don't think we'll be moving on to the more liquid-y soups until way, way later. if ever at all.

american beauty's on hbo. i lovelovelove that movie. my favorite part is where annette bening comes in and is like, 'whose car is that?' and kevin spacey is like, 'that is my car. it is a '59 pontiac firebird, and it is the car i have wanted all of my life, and now i have it. i rule!' that 'i rule!' is the best thing ever. oh, that movie is just filled with good stuff.

i think it was a '59 firebird, but don't quote me.

it sucks a lot that our dsl isn't working. i don't feel right hogging the phone line anymore. funny when i think this is how we did it all last year, no complaints. it's so easy to get spoiled. now i'm starting to feel old. 'i remember back when i was your age....'

i have a friend with a 14 year old brother who does not remember life pre-internet.

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