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10.03.01 - 10:33

it's cold in this computer lab and i'm hungry so i think i'm going to get breakfast. i say as� que a lot in espa�ol. a lot. i use it the way i use 'like' in english. the spanish boys we went out with last night made fun of me because i say as� que so much. as� que this, as� que that. but as� que means 'so' approximately and it's the right thing to say all the time almost. my favorite words in english are 'like' and 'so' and 'dude' so i'm not sure how to convey the meaning of like in spanish but i'm all about the as� que and hombre. yesterday nico asks me why his black friends greet each other with 'what's up, dawg?' what is this, he asks, is it like a dog, perro, dog? except all in spanish of course because he doesn't know any english. like perro, i said, but not like perro, like hombre. dude. then jayne yells from ten feet back, �c�mo se dice 'diaper rash' en espa�ol? and why would you want to say diaper rash in spanish and then we were talking about singapore and flogging and then we were talking about calle betis and triana and it was all so random and mushed together but we never did figure out how to say diaper rash in spanish.

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