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09.26.02 - 7:24

wispy clouds today. they looked damp and grouchy like they'd been caught in a shower and hung out to dry. the fog was low and heavy. when it hits your face as you walk it's cool and light and prickly. just vaguely wet. like a little kiss. with a little sting.

being alone is sometimes very similar to not being alone. there are still the same things in your head and they can be so big and dark. you still see the same pictures when you close your eyes, you still shake while you watch the numbers change on the clock. you're still you if that means anything, or maybe even if it doesn't. we're supposed to watch ourselves like this is a movie and what we're doing has to make for good entertainment. i want to wear black and sit in the sun all afternoon.

the skyroom offers about a 300 degree view of the city from the 28th floor. it's dressed in this vaguely art deco way with bits of chrome and yellow upholstering. the windows open out and it would make a great bar. there's already a counter and sinks and everything. you could sip cocktails and watch the city spread out around you. it's shiny white blue silver in the day and in the night it's black mist and twinkly little white lights. you can see out of the buildings but when you look into them you can only see yourself. this is what technology is doing for us.

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