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2.12.01 - 02:22:15

man, i wish we had some oranges. maybe angie will get some on her way home. i guess i could go out and get some. but then angie might get some and we would have a lot. but maybe she won't. and i really want oranges, for some reason. hmm. a dilemma.

you know what's a sad day? the day you look up someone who's graduated from rice and they're no longer listed in the directory online. and their webpage is no longer accessible. i guess there's probably like, a set date when this happens, but i haven't been able to figure out when it is. it's like, a long time after graduation, though. and it's strange, because yeah, i'll look up these kids every now and again, not for any particular reason, but just to see, and then it's like, when they disappear from the directory, they're disappearing from this entire community somehow. not that i'm entirely wrapped up in this community, but whatever.

i hate fundraising. i have to sell tickets to a car wash. they are 5 dollars. i must sell at least ten. i have sold three. if you would like to buy the rest of my tickets feel free to email me. (ps - if you live in my apt, you're already buying tickets. so i guess i've really sold five.) if you would like to buy one of my tickets feel free to email me. if you would like to buy more than five tickets feel free to email me. if you just want to send me a check for some huge sum of money, even better.

no, like, i HATE fundraising. you know there are people who do that for a living? ugh. i'd die. well, no. i'd never do that. yeah.

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