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3.19.01 - 3:26:04

try not to think about it too much. maybe you should just close your eyes and take a little nap. either that or think about ice cream, because most people form pleasant associations with ice cream. if you are lactose-intolerant or have some horrible ice cream experience in your past (the most common might be vomiting after eating too much of it) then i would suggest that you think of something different, perhaps a small kitten. if you are allergic to cats, try choosing maybe a location wrapped up in good memories or someone you love if such things exist.

how many songs are written about butterflies? i have 4 on my playlist currently. wait. where did you go? you have forgotten the language of words but now you are moving slowly farther away, forgetting the language of the body (hand on shoulder), the language of the eyes (sometimes a smile, sometimes a question), the language of

the difference between you and me is that i will now get online and look up slaid cleaves and perhaps download a couple of his most popular (or least popular) offerings. then i will listen to him and make a judgment. i will like him or not. or i will be ambivalent.

it is very sunny outside. pretty. but, the thing is, it's rather chilly, as in 58 degrees right now, at 3:35 in the afternoon, in houston, texas, in the middle of march, when it should normally be a little warmer than 58 degrees. it looks warmer. it's deceptive. everyone walks around shivering because they want to believe it's warmer and they won't entertain the idea that they might be wrong and so everyone is wearing shorts and tank tops. i am always cold, however, so i pay attention to my weatherbug (which told me it was 48 degrees this morning at 9) and so i dressed accordingly and i was still just a little bit cold. but not shivering cold.

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