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03.06.02 - 3:28

i work too quickly. i am overproductive. i will not be able to fine-tune my new fighting technique while temping. much to my chagrin, i cannot ensure that said technique is unstoppable. i am not disrupting the scene, i can tell you that with complete certainty.

can you hear me? can you hear me now? now? good. i heard that yesterday at work and immediately thought i was in a verizon commercial. i guess that's good advertising for ya.

it's misty gray outside. at least it was earlier. i can only see a little piece of sky from my cubicle here. we don't really know much if we base it only on what we perceive. but i guess that's mostly how we function. what an imperfect science life is. i like the words verily and asundry. you are a composite made of all the little bits of everyone that i have ever loved. or the little bits i loved of everyone. it's different and i'm not sure which i mean. but you are made of small things put together the right way. unbreakable.

this is not a job for someone suffering from dyslexia.

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