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9.27.00 - 11:26:42

a castle on a cloud. a pony. a room of one's own. that's not the same thing as my own room. a rosebush. a pair of lovebirds. a photographic memory. reality. paints. a canvas big enough to hold me. a black pillowcase. talent. a crystal ball. a fairy godmother. guitar, flute, and strings. a black and white world. the power to fly. a song about me. 3 more inches. a tori concert. hyperreality. blue skies. a security blanket. technicolor dreams. meaning. a future. pants that fit. a good movie on hbo. closed-toe shoes. nothing. an idol. a poem that means something. a song i can touch. a piano. understanding. patience. a mute button. everything. a scuba trip. sleep. acceptance. tylenol. water all around me. fear in a handful of dust. love. a pomegranate. a bouquet of irises. lyotard's postmodern fables. happiness. the movie. happiness. for real. reality. i know i said that already. a three-dimensional sphere extending three feet from me in every direction. my sphere. a soundproof booth. a game-show host. a red telephone. an albatross. kubla khan in an opium dream. genius. joie de vivre. a soundtrack to my life. a rewind button. a fast-forward button. command over the spanish language. a silver spring. a landslide. little lies. dreams. my own way. a community. an island. a fantasy. a denouement. a tragic flaw. a moral. a finale.

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