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02.02.02 - 5:10

i've been having weird dreams. i had one really long dream sequence involving a new web technology called lnk5. like, you could use it to link to things in a completely new and different way. you click on the hyperlink powered by lnk5 and instead of a new window or a frame or whatever you just get this resize arrow. and then you size your own window and the new content appears within. it was such a convincing dream that i proceeded to search for this new technology on google but it's nowhere to be found.

i had another dream where i had bionic cheetah legs. not actual cheetah legs, ok, the bionic legs that they call cheetah legs. i know these actually exist. anyway, i was running on my bionic legs wearing a blue tank top and a blue towel wrapped around my bottom half sarong-style. i arrived at kindel's house late for the birthday party. everyone was dressed up semi-formal and here i was in my towel and cheetah legs and i'd forgotten all about it. two men waited in the driveway, both in a vaguely bouncer-ish stance. they looked at me and raised their eyebrows. i apologized half-heartedly, without words. they let me by and i apologized to the birthday girl, with words. apparently i had also missed some cotillion event the day before. and then i was back on the street, running through a light drizzle on my cheetah legs, the towel wrapped around my head now, wrapped and tucked into itself. the drizzle was warm. i had on blue wind shorts. stars were out and things looked half-sinister, half-storybook. my neighborhood was bigger than reality. the streets had all become smooth black asphalt, the kind that looks plastic and perfect at once. like you could leave your footsteps behind. like you could never scar that surface. i ran home but it wasn't home. it never is in dreams, is it.

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